
Showing posts from January, 2021


The hypotonic bladder is a condition in which the bladder wall muscle (Detrusor muscle) tone reduces. The hypotonic bladder is a result of – Lower motor neuron lesions Over distended bladder due to retention SYMPTOMS Incomplete emptying Retention of urine Episodes of near retention Voiding small volume Overflow incontinence Straining INVESTIGATIONS USG Uroflowmetry Urodynamic study (UDS) Cystoscopy MODERN UROLOGICAL TREATMENT Oral medication Bethanechol Alpha-Blockers Terazosin Doxazosin Tamsulosin Alfuzosin Silodosin 5-Alpha reductase inhibitor Finasteride Dutasteride Clean Intermittent self-catheterization AYURVEDIC UROLOGICAL TREATMENT Uttarbasti Basti Oral medication Yoga & Pranayama

Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) & Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) UTI | Cure Urethral Stricture

Recurrent UTI is a burning issue of the modern era with global prevalence is almost 11%. When the UTI doesn’t respond to three or more classes of Antibacterial drugs, it is called as MDR UTI. SYMPTOMS Frequency Urgency Dysuria Pelvic pain Fever with chills & rigors INVESTIGATIONS Urine routine & microscopic examination Urine culture & sensitivity USG KUB MODERN UROLOGICAL TREATMENT Antimicrobial drugs according to the sensitivity report. AYURVEDIC UROLOGICAL TREATMENT Bladder wash Uttarbasti Oral medication